Bastione San Marco, Mura di Treviso || Free Entry
"Do something worth remembering" are the famous words that for years have inspired us. As in every edition of the festival, we want to bring to you three days to remember and keep in your heart. The star is of course Elvis and his music, source of inspiration for the bands that will alternate on stage. A respectful tribute to the King ranging across his entire artistic repertoire. A city in the city, whose living force is fueled by the love of the people for the first real star of rock 'n' roll.
☛ Live Music & Dj Set
Rock’n’Roll, Rockabilly, Country, Doo Wop, cuore e anima di ELVIS PRESLEY con: Johnny and his Rockin' Tunes, Smooth Band, NewTones, Tammi Savoy and The Chris Casello Combo, Henrik Åberg w/ TCB BAND ITALY, Sons of a Gun, Lowland Cannonballs, Vince Mannino.
☛ American Vintage Market
☛ Expo e Parata di Auto & Moto d'epoca
☛ Food & Drinks
☛ SS Messa Gospel
☛ Dance Workshop
☛ Amusement Park
♚ Xe soeo Rock’n’Roll ma a nialtri ne piase! ♚
Frankie Gasparin, fondatore Elvis Days